Why choose this app ?

Would you like to pass the BZF exam on the 1st take ?

Then this app is for you!

Why, you ask ?

We think the main benefits of this app when compared to the ones previously available are :

  1. Photo of my BZF licenseIt was built and tested by someone who was not a native German speaker, and thanks to the contents now presented in this app and to the functionalities presented below, was able to prepare himself for the BZF I exam, and pass it on the 1st try.
  2. Warum #2Quickly switch language for the contents on any section of the app, directly by a shortcut button on the top right corner of the screen, making it easy for people who are fluent in one language (German or English) to switch immediately to the same contents in the other language.
  3. Warum #3It has an innovative statistics solution to help you perform better. You can easily keep track of how good you are doing on each question, directly from the exam simulation screen, or from the statistics screen, by looking at the score card, on the top left corner of your question on the exam simulation, or by visiting the statistics screen. This card will have a different color and a % score, depending on how many times you got the correct answer. On the statistics screen you can see also a number that indicates how many times you have answered each question.
    If a card is green, you can be almost sure you will get it right on the exam!

But there are many other benefits you get from upgrading this app to the full version :

  1. Unlock all Questions from the BZF questionnaire, and all Study Materials with a one-time in-app purchase.
  2. Warum #5Prepare for BZF I, II or E exam, they are all covered by this one app, based on the official question catalogs from the Bundesnetzagentur, with the latest update from September 2023.
  3. Warum #6Study Materials: enjoy the summarized study materials, with a selection of thematics that you need to master, in order to answer correctly and get your license, including texts, images, diagrams and even visual interactive contents, such as the cloud level simulator, or the light signals simulator.
  4. You can choose to use the app, having the menus in one language and the contents on the other language. That way you can feel at home to understand how to use the app, and at the same time be able to study contents in the other language. Only available in German and English (both contents and app menus).
  5. Realistic Exam Simulation: of course it has a time countdown, a random selection of 100 questions from the catalog, a progress bar to show you how many questions you have already answered, an indication of how many you got right and how many you got wrong and a % score so you can understand if you can still pass or not.
    But of course we allow you to have a pause for a coffee break!
  6. Practice anytime anywhere, without the need for an Internet connection.
  7. Pay once, use always. No subscription, no hidden costs.